1997 - Nullarbor Jan

The expedition visited a number of the deep caves of the Nullarbor attempting to measure the size of wall scallops at the current water level. Unfortunately this was not possible as there are no wall scallops at water level or just below it to measure :-). However not all was lost - surface velocity experiments were conducted in the deep caves and the results of this will be correlated with previous work. One of the shallow caves was doubled in length and surveyed. Additionally the survey of Stegamite Cave was completed. Minor extensions were also achieved in a number of other caves.

Assessment of the collapes at both Weebubbie and Pannikin Plain Cave were undertaken with the permission of DOLA and CALM respectively. Reports will be forwarded to the appropriate departments and released here in time.

The expedition also visited a number of the decorated caves of the Nullarbor searching for further examples of stegamites from previously unrecorded sites. The photographic record shows some of the more unusual formations seen.

Expedition members were Rauleigh Webb, John Cugley, Adam Minchin (all WASG members) and Damian Grindley (Chelsea SS & CEGSA).

Monday, 26 September 2022